You will laugh and cry as you read Katie’s cleverly told journey to motherhood. Your heart will fill with joy as Katie’s describes how she fell in love with her husband over heartburn pizza and a valentine’s box. You will laugh when she compares how having dogs prepared her and her husband for raising children. Do they sleep in the bed with your or not? You may relate to Katie’s journey in the chapter titled The Pressure Rising, where she writes about her fear of becoming a mom, of sharing her husband with a tiny human, and of how much her life would change once she had children. You may cry during the chapter titled, She Swings and Misses, where Katie’s describes driving home after her Dr. informs her that because she isn’t miscarrying on her own that she would need to have a D&C. You will feel hope as she describes running on a parkway and sitting on parkway bench she knew one day she would smile again. Happiness will fill your heart as Katie’s describes seeing two little pinks lines on a pregnancy test and running around her house singing. You will laugh when Katie’s tells the story of her seven-month-old son throwing up on her husband, the family dog, and again in the tub. You will smile as she describes how becoming a mother has changed her in ways she could never have imagined.
Big Girl Decisions
Print Length: 186 pages
Publication date : June 10, 2018